About AgroNxt
Who We Are
AgroNxt is a Climate Smart Technology Start-up. We believe that Farming can be made more Profitable by Sustainably applying Technology. Every Solution we offer is and will be Impactful, Affordable, and Simple to use.
Farmers require support in various aspects of farming, data darkness in Agriculture makes the decision making inefficient & leads to less predictable Productivity.
Farmers and Stakeholders need an integrated data driven platform that offers them value in the form of Products and Services.
The Solution
AgroNxt is a platform offering climate smart solutions to enhance productivity & profitability of farmers by engaging different stakeholders.
AgroNxt Videos
यह चैनल खेती से जुड़े फैसलों को सुद्रिड बनाने के लिए ,सरल और आकर्षक वीडियो के ज़रिये किसानों को सशक्त बनाने का प्रयास करता है । हम मानते हैं कि खेती में मुनाफा सही समय पर सही निर्णय लेने से ही कमाया जा सकता है । हम आशा करते हैं कि किसान यहाँ उपलब्ध कराई गई जानकारी से अपनी फसल और पशु से जुडी समस्या का समाधान कर उचित लाभ उठा सकेंगे।
Strives to empower farmers with simple yet engaging informative videos to make farming decisions robust, AgroNxt believes that farm profitability is a function of informed decision-making combined with the timely use of right inputs.We hope that the farming community benefits from the content provided here.
Who can use our Products and Services ?
AgroNxt Platform is offering all the Products and Services focussing Farmers.
We believe that engaging the Stakeholders becomes equally important while aiming to benefit farming and farmers.
Contact us, if you belong to any of the below categories and we shall be happy to onboard you as a Member.